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Va work study payment delay Form: What You Should Know

If you have any further information about this issue or the work-study program, you  can call. 6 days ago — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is reporting tens of thousands of veterans are being overpaid  for medical and other eligible expenses for years while waiting to get their benefits. According to the Office of  Veterans Affairs the agency is making overpayments of 14.3 billion  between October 2025 and June 2012. The veterans are expected to incur 36 billion (12.8 percent of  the approximately 180 billion total), and VA estimates that overpayments have affected some  70,000 veterans. The Office of Inspector General was also recently called in to investigate the  overpayment and fraudulent activity by VA. 7 days ago — According to a study by the Office of Inspector General, VA's decision to pay the veterans for the past five years based on the average monthly rate of their wages was found to be “inappropriate.” The study found that veterans with the lowest incomes in the VA system had been overpaid by 2.7 million in the last five years alone. It was also discovered that some veterans who should be receiving monthly payments due to their long wait lists were receiving the amount of 1 a day (or less) for months and were then only receiving around 1.50 a day. 8 days ago — A recent study found there are millions of veterans being overpaid by 4.2 billion a year as an annual average for the last five years. According to a study conducted by the Office of Personnel Management's inspector general, an estimated 40 percent of veterans would have been overpaid the average of 1,080 a month over those five years if they had been receiving their benefits monthly. According to the study, veterans who are currently waiting months for their benefits also were not receiving their monthly benefits. The study also found that as of 2012, the majority of these veterans lived in areas where the local cost-of-living rate was less than the VA's 1,080 average a month. October 5, 2025 — The latest report from the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs shows that the agency has been overpaying veterans of all income levels, according to the agency's own data.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Va work study payment delay

Instructions and Help about Va work study payment delay

Many counties have offices that help veterans get the services they need from the VA. However, in Orange County, there are so many vets that the intake counter could get pretty long. We only had one person at the front desk, which is overwhelming for a loaded office where veterans are coming in hour by hour. Martinez had to think outside the . We have budget restrictions and manpower restrictions. How can we help with the processing? Then, I thought back to the work-study program. It is free and administered by the VA. The best thing is that we're helping veterans who are in college or eligible dependents be able to work on a flexible schedule and get paid. It was a win-win situation for everybody. The VA program places veterans or their dependents who are going to school in part-time jobs that offer flexible hours, work experience, and a paycheck. The county doesn't pay for anything. The only thing that we pay for is a background check, but other than that, it's federal money, tax-free money, straight to the veterans' pocket. It was Martinez's idea to put them to work helping other vets. It's a life cycle of veterans helping veterans, and those veterans that are working here as work studies get to learn more about their benefits because they're surrounded by claims officers. Oftentimes, they realize that they're entitled to benefits they didn't realize just by being immersed in this kind of environment. Our veterans like to deal with veterans, so when they come in and start talking to them, they feel more comfortable giving us their information. I think it's really beneficial for us and for them. Martina says he knew veterans would bring value to the job, but even he is sometimes surprised. You assume a...